About Us

” GRAM Association idolizes our democracy to bring something tangible, which would have administrative ease, public welfare, long-term sustainable goals with a pinch of social inclusion as guiding principles.”


Groundwater & Reforestation Adaptive Management (GRAM) Association is a development organization committed to improving lives across dynamic and developing rural sections of the country. Gram Association addresses the critical issues affecting rural areas in the 21st century by strengthening individual identities, expanding economic opportunities, creating sustainable livelihood mediums, increasing environmental resilience, empowering women, and promoting educational cooperation among the locals.  The fundamental maxim of association is to imbue preservation rehearses and to spur individuals to approach to save our regular resources by developing the concept of social harmony to drive local self-governance & diplomacy.

The areas which were targeted as underprivileged & marginalized, and where all dimensional growth is the need of the critical hour of natural change, the affiliation is not set in stone towards heading towards the way to contribute in the best way through assurance.  With core thematic area water management,  we additionally work in the space of advancement and protection of forests and advancement of reasonable occupation. Enlisted under Section 8, Not-for-profit organisation under service of corporate undertakings. Team GRAM has been incessantly working for the betterment of grass-root communities, to lessen the gravity of impecunious aspects in the rural context of our country. This journey has not been easy for the entire team as the COVID-19 pandemic brought a sabbath to all our ongoing activities. With a new structure and energized young individuals, GRAM has started all its activities, comparatively faster than the previous pace, and seeking your support to keep this ignus fatuus alive for the unconditional betterment of our beneficiaries.

We Help You Stay Healthy

The Trainers

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Jamie Hofstadter

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Annie Hofstadter

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Happy Faces of Happy Students

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