Strategic Partnership Agreement India Afghanistan

India and Afghanistan have had a strategic partnership agreement in place since 2011, outlining their commitment to work together in areas including security, economic development, and cultural cooperation. The agreement has been beneficial for both countries, as India has been able to support Afghanistan in its efforts to rebuild after decades of conflict, while also gaining access to new markets and resources.

One of the key areas of cooperation under the agreement has been in the area of security. India has provided significant assistance to Afghanistan in training and equipping its security forces, as well as in sharing intelligence and information on terrorist threats in the region. This has been critical for Afghanistan, which has been dealing with a persistent Taliban insurgency and other terrorist groups operating on its territory.

In addition to security, the partnership agreement has also focused on economic development. India has invested in several infrastructure projects in Afghanistan, including the construction of the Salma Dam and the Zaranj-Delaram highway. These projects have helped to create jobs and stimulate economic growth in the country, while also improving connectivity between India and Afghanistan.

Cultural cooperation has also been an important aspect of the partnership agreement, with India supporting initiatives to preserve and promote Afghanistan`s rich cultural heritage. This has included the restoration of historic monuments and buildings, as well as the training of Afghan artisans and craftspeople in traditional crafts such as carpet weaving and pottery.

Overall, the strategic partnership agreement between India and Afghanistan has been a success, with both countries benefiting from increased cooperation and collaboration in a range of areas. With continued commitment and investment, the partnership has the potential to drive further economic growth and stability in the region, while also helping to address key security challenges facing Afghanistan and the wider South Asia region.

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