Rn Collective Agreement Alberta

The RN Collective Agreement in Alberta: What Nurses Need to Know

As a registered nurse working in Alberta, Canada, it is essential to understand the RN collective agreement that governs your employment. While the agreement may seem daunting, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your employment to ensure that you receive fair compensation, benefits, and working conditions.

What is the RN Collective Agreement?

The RN collective agreement is a legally binding contract between the employer and the union representing registered nurses in Alberta. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including wages, benefits, working hours, and workplace policies.

The current RN collective agreement in Alberta is effective from April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2023. The agreement covers registered nurses working in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, and community health centers.

What are the key provisions of the RN Collective Agreement?

The RN collective agreement in Alberta includes several provisions that affect the working conditions, compensation, and benefits of registered nurses. Some of the key provisions of the agreement are:

1. Wages: The agreement outlines the minimum and maximum rates of pay for registered nurses based on their job classification, experience, and education.

2. Hours of work: The agreement specifies the standard hours of work for registered nurses, including the number of hours per week, shift schedules, and overtime pay.

3. Benefits: Registered nurses in Alberta are entitled to several benefits, including health and dental coverage, life insurance, long-term disability coverage, and pension plans.

4. Leaves: The agreement provides for various types of leaves, including sick leave, bereavement leave, maternity leave, and parental leave.

5. Grievance and arbitration procedures: Registered nurses have the right to file grievances if they believe that their rights under the collective agreement have been violated. The agreement outlines the process for resolving disputes through arbitration.

Why is the RN Collective Agreement important for registered nurses?

The RN collective agreement is crucial for registered nurses as it provides job security, fair compensation, and benefits. By ensuring that their rights are protected under the agreement, registered nurses can focus on providing quality patient care without the fear of unfair treatment or discrimination.

In addition, the RN collective agreement promotes a positive work environment by establishing clear policies and procedures for the workplace. This, in turn, helps to improve morale, productivity, and job satisfaction among registered nurses.


The RN collective agreement in Alberta is a vital document for registered nurses as it outlines the terms and conditions of their employment. By understanding the provisions of the agreement, registered nurses can ensure that they receive fair compensation, benefits, and working conditions. As an essential part of the healthcare system, registered nurses deserve the protection and support provided by the RN collective agreement.

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